viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018



Imatge relacionada

Dog Characteristics

  • Cheerful
  • Devoted
  • Easy-going
  • Protective
  • Faithful

 Careers & Hobbies

  • Waiter
  • Retailer
  • Medical
  • Sales
  • Shepherd
  • Making love
  • Hiking
  • Team sports
  • Biking

My opinion is about the dog is that is a good animal and very famiy, and I like this qualities. I also like his behavior with people and his love with everyone. The dog's physique is another quality that I like a lot, for example, its coat, usually its hair color and its body shape. The dog is my favorite animal because I have two and its behavior is spectacular. I really loved being able to leave this animal.

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2018


Things that I want to do before I kick the bucket

  1. Travel to 50 countries
  2. Be a member of the Barça
  3. Buy a Porche
  4. Meet  Lionel Messi, Coutinho and  Jordi Alba
  5. Be a football manager in first league
  6. Buy a lot of football t-shirts
  7. Be millonaire
  8.  Jump on parachute
  9. Buy a mansion
  10. Dive in a reef
Resultat d'imatges de messiResultat d'imatges de coutinhoResultat d'imatges de bussejarResultat d'imatges de jordi albaResultat d'imatges de mansio modernaResultat d'imatges de billets