viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Free written 3


Carlos Tévez is an argentinian football  player. He borns in Ciudadela on 5 of February in 1984.

He plays in Juventus, Manchester City, Manchester United, Corinthias and Boca Junior. In her career he score 218 goals, he plays 436 matches. He also play with the national selection, Argentina.

The fonds put Tevez a nickname: Apache. They put this  name because when Tévez was young he have an Apache face. Apache is a type of Native Indian, and Tevez have a similar face.

He is center forward and his heigh is 1'73m.
 I like this football player because he fight very in the field and have very trait.

Alfred Hitchock

1-What's his nickname?
The Master of Suspense

2-What was his most famous horror film?

his famous film was Psycho

3-What was his main contribuiton to horror?

he was the inventor of the modern film horror

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018



Futbol Club Barcelona (Barça) is a catalan football team, it's creat in 1899 from Joan Gamper.

Barcelona alway are one of the best teams of the world. It have 5 Champions, 3 team world cup,
5 Supercops of Europe, 25 spanish leagues, etc.
barça it was have a lot of the best football players, for exempl: Ronaldinho, Messi, Rivaldo, Nazario, Maradona, Cruyf, etc.

It is my favourite team because is the best catalan team, is respectuos team, I see it from I young, Barça is present in all of my life.


1-Who invented the G.N? What was the title of the first G.N? When was it first published?
Horace Walpole created  the gothic novel, ande first title was The Castle of Otranto, on 1765

2- Which basic elements of horror do you remember from th introducely lesson?

6-scary moments
7-dark moments
9-hanted castles

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018


GHOST: The last night I see a ghost in a old-castle, I was very scared

NIGHT: I sleep eight hours every night

MAGICIAN: My favourite character of The Lord of the Rings is magician.

VAST: My grandfather field is very vast

ANGER: I very anger because I steal me money 

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

What do we understand by GOTHIC?

1-SETTING IN A CASTLE: the action takes places in around an old castle or mansions. This castles usually haves a mistery stories, rooms and corridors.

2-AN ATMOSPHERE OF MISTERY AND SUSPENSE: the plot is build around a mistery atmosphere for example: unknown parentage, a disappearence, or some inexplicable event.

3-AN ANCIENT PROPHECY: the prophecy is connected with the castle. The prophecy usually abscure, partial or confusing.

4-OMENS, PORTENTS AND VISIONS: a character may have a disturbing dream vision, or some phenomenon may be seen as portent of coming events.

5- SUPERNATURAL OR OTHERWISE INEXPLICABLE EVENTS: Dramatic, amazing events occur, such a monsters or stranges sounds.

6-HIGH OVERWHELMING EMOTION: the emotions normally are anger, sorrow, surprise, and obviously terror. There also are cryings.

7´-WOMEN IN DISTRESS: the female often face event leave them faiting, terrifield and screaming. In others films the feamale is the principal character.

8- WOMEN THREATENED BY POWERFUL, IMPULSIVE, TYRANNICAL MALE: The woman may be commanded to marry someone she does not love, or commit a crime.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My opinion about horror films


My opinion about this films is negative. I think that this films are very stuppid because only still to scare and for me the  consequence of this films are very dumb.

I also have a other opinion, this is that the history of the films is good. About the history I like the sequence that the principal character is frighten for a terrorific monster, person, etc. This is the only that I like of this films.

My conclusion is that never will look a horror films.

Resultat d'imatges de carbassa terror

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

intelligent test

I think that the results of this web page are wrong, because I think that I wuold have more percentages for the all of the results. For exempl I think that I have more Linguistic percentage because I say about leanguage and I coincide with the caracteristics of Linguistic in the web page.
I also think that I should have more percentages in the others of results.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018


Hi, I am Erard and today I goingo to write about Philippe Coutinho.

Philippe Coutinho is a football player. He play in Futbol Club Barcelona and he also play in his selection, Brasil.

He borns in Rio de Janeiro, in 12th of June. Cotuinho he played in the team Vasco de Gama, and in this team he  demostrated the magnifical ability palying football. Thanks to this magic with the ball Inter de Milan signed a Coutinho in 2008 and the people sy that Coutinho was the promise of brasilian football. Coutinho in the periode in the Inter de Milan he gave to R.C.D.Espanyol and one year befor Liverpool signed Coutinho one of the best football players they ever had.

In the Liverpool Coutinho was the best and the others big clubs can he signed. And one of this clubs got signed Coutinho in Jenauary of 2017, this club is F.C.Barcelona. These year Coutinho is the promise of Barça and sustitute of Iniesta. He has yhe number 7 and he is midfielder and left extreme.

Coutinho is my favourite football player, and is spectacular see one of his match.

Resultat d'imatges de philippe coutinhoResultat d'imatges de philippe coutinho chutando

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018



Imatge relacionada

Dog Characteristics

  • Cheerful
  • Devoted
  • Easy-going
  • Protective
  • Faithful

 Careers & Hobbies

  • Waiter
  • Retailer
  • Medical
  • Sales
  • Shepherd
  • Making love
  • Hiking
  • Team sports
  • Biking

My opinion is about the dog is that is a good animal and very famiy, and I like this qualities. I also like his behavior with people and his love with everyone. The dog's physique is another quality that I like a lot, for example, its coat, usually its hair color and its body shape. The dog is my favorite animal because I have two and its behavior is spectacular. I really loved being able to leave this animal.

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2018


Things that I want to do before I kick the bucket

  1. Travel to 50 countries
  2. Be a member of the Barça
  3. Buy a Porche
  4. Meet  Lionel Messi, Coutinho and  Jordi Alba
  5. Be a football manager in first league
  6. Buy a lot of football t-shirts
  7. Be millonaire
  8.  Jump on parachute
  9. Buy a mansion
  10. Dive in a reef
Resultat d'imatges de messiResultat d'imatges de coutinhoResultat d'imatges de bussejarResultat d'imatges de jordi albaResultat d'imatges de mansio modernaResultat d'imatges de billets