viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

What do we understand by GOTHIC?

1-SETTING IN A CASTLE: the action takes places in around an old castle or mansions. This castles usually haves a mistery stories, rooms and corridors.

2-AN ATMOSPHERE OF MISTERY AND SUSPENSE: the plot is build around a mistery atmosphere for example: unknown parentage, a disappearence, or some inexplicable event.

3-AN ANCIENT PROPHECY: the prophecy is connected with the castle. The prophecy usually abscure, partial or confusing.

4-OMENS, PORTENTS AND VISIONS: a character may have a disturbing dream vision, or some phenomenon may be seen as portent of coming events.

5- SUPERNATURAL OR OTHERWISE INEXPLICABLE EVENTS: Dramatic, amazing events occur, such a monsters or stranges sounds.

6-HIGH OVERWHELMING EMOTION: the emotions normally are anger, sorrow, surprise, and obviously terror. There also are cryings.

7´-WOMEN IN DISTRESS: the female often face event leave them faiting, terrifield and screaming. In others films the feamale is the principal character.

8- WOMEN THREATENED BY POWERFUL, IMPULSIVE, TYRANNICAL MALE: The woman may be commanded to marry someone she does not love, or commit a crime.

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