viernes, 25 de enero de 2019



In this new speak about a mum dog who breed a little pgs that their mother died. The dog is an cultural attraction in Playa Larga.
My opinion: I think that the new is a good example of the comportaments of the animals. Impresionant.


In this new speak about eruption of the volcano Anak Krakatau in Indionesa. This eruption caused a tsunami, and this crash in Indionesa. There were a lot of dead.

My opinion: This is very impactant because is a very catastrophe of the nature. The number of dead is very hard and this for me is very negative feor the economy and turist od the country. i sad for this new.


In this new speak about one truck overturned and the chocolate that was into the truck it came out and the highway was full of chocolate. The police says that is more easier remove the oil than the chocolate.

Opinion: My opinion is that the new is very good for the persons who stay in the highway, because they eat a lot of chocolat, they had a good day. But the persons who remove the chocolate had bad luck


Freak: monstre
Smeared: tcar
Hesitan: vacil.lant
Scenario: escenari

viernes, 18 de enero de 2019


1-Save money in FIFA 19: I get save money because always when I have money in the game I spend all. I can save money because I want to buy Messi and more good players in the videogame.

2-I get do a mashed potatoe with the Gil's nose: I get do this because I a very good person with Gil and I help his cutting it a part of his nose because his nose is very big.

3- Play the Primitive: I play the Primitive and other lotteries for win a lot of money and this i can buy a lot of football team shirts and a very big house in Fortià.

4- I go to work in summer: I go in summer because I get lot of money because I don't have money in my purse

5- I buy five or more football team shirts: I buy a lot of football t-shirts because I do a collection of football shirts.

6- I get a very good notes: I study more to get good notes in the final of the course.

Resultat d'imatges de primitivaResultat d'imatges de camiseta del sporting de gijon 2019 Resultat d'imatges de camiseta boloniaResultat d'imatges de notes escolarsResultat d'imatges de fifa 19 messi