martes, 11 de junio de 2019


My experience in the ESO, no is the best because I have study and usually is very boring, but generaly the ESO is good. When  was my first day in the school, I was very nervious and scared, but then I got used to it.
The classes was very bored and  sometimes very difficult. The two first courses are easy but the others was dificult (above all the third course).

The subjects that I don't like is Spanish and Catalan, and I like P.E, Technology and Ètica.

In conclusion, the Eso have sometimes that is easy and others taht is hard. I also learn a lot of things and I know a lot of people. The next year I begin the Batxillerat.

domingo, 9 de junio de 2019

1-Where are you from? I'M FROM ITALY (ROMA)
2-Is it the first time that you come in Spain? IN SPAIN I COME SOME TIME BUT IN GIRONA IS THE FIRST
3-How did you come here, by plane, ship or train? BY PLANE
4-Why are you in Girona? BECAUSE IS A NICE CITY
5-How long are you going to stay here?  ONE WEEK
6-Are you travelling with family or friends? FRIENDS
7-What have you visited up to now?
8-What do you like the most? CATHEDRAL, SQUARE, ETC.
9-Have they bought any presents? A BOOK
10-Do you know any words in catalan or spanish? GRACIAS, TE QUIERO
11-Have you tried any typical spanish or catalan food? PA AMB TOMAQUET
12-Do you think Girona is expensive? IT'S NORMAL
13-Do you see any differences from your country? IT'S SIMILAR
14-Do you know anyone who lives in Girona? NO
15-Is there anything you don't like? HAVE TO PARK OUT THE CITY
16-Have you watched game of Thrones? Did you know some settings from season 6 were here in Girona' NO
17-Would you recommend Girona to your family or friends? YES OF COURSE
18-Will you come back again? YES, WHY NOT