domingo, 9 de junio de 2019

1-Where are you from? I'M FROM ITALY (ROMA)
2-Is it the first time that you come in Spain? IN SPAIN I COME SOME TIME BUT IN GIRONA IS THE FIRST
3-How did you come here, by plane, ship or train? BY PLANE
4-Why are you in Girona? BECAUSE IS A NICE CITY
5-How long are you going to stay here?  ONE WEEK
6-Are you travelling with family or friends? FRIENDS
7-What have you visited up to now?
8-What do you like the most? CATHEDRAL, SQUARE, ETC.
9-Have they bought any presents? A BOOK
10-Do you know any words in catalan or spanish? GRACIAS, TE QUIERO
11-Have you tried any typical spanish or catalan food? PA AMB TOMAQUET
12-Do you think Girona is expensive? IT'S NORMAL
13-Do you see any differences from your country? IT'S SIMILAR
14-Do you know anyone who lives in Girona? NO
15-Is there anything you don't like? HAVE TO PARK OUT THE CITY
16-Have you watched game of Thrones? Did you know some settings from season 6 were here in Girona' NO
17-Would you recommend Girona to your family or friends? YES OF COURSE
18-Will you come back again? YES, WHY NOT

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